Setting up a cluster of machines with a shared file system

With this setup we move away from running a cluster on a single machine and tackle multiple machines. This is the simplest example of a distributed compute cluster, where “distributed” just means that we’ll be making use of several independent machines.


We’ll assume that all the machines in your cluster is running Linux or some other Unix variant.

The type of cluster we’ll set up is common in university environments, and consists of several machines that share a common file system. By this we mean that, whichever machine you log-on to, you’re presented with the same set of files – and most especially, with your home directory.

What we want to do is essentially tjhe same as Setting up a machine with multiple cores, but one that uses cores on several machines. For this to work we need to tell ipcluster what machines are in the cluster so that it can start engines on them.

Controllers, engines, and profiles

The first thing to understand is what ipcluster is actually doing. We didn;t need to know when using only one machine, but it becomes quite important when we’re using a distributed cluster.

ipcluster is essentially a control script that runs two other programs: ipcontroller that controls the cluster, and ipengine that does the actual computing. For any cluster there is exactly one instance of ipcontroller running, and then one instance of ipengine for each core. So the -n=8 option we saw in the multicore case is setting how many engine processes are started and connected to the (one) controller.

When epyc connects to a cluster, it actually connects to the controller, which is then in turn connected to the engines. So epyc can interact with a cluster of any complexity or size in the same way.

As you might have guessed by now, in setting up a distributed cluster we need to start a controller and then some engines, where the engines will reside on different machines. If each machine is milticore, we’ll want to start several engines on each – but they’ll all be connecting back to the singfle controller.

When we created a profile for a unicore machine we didn’t go into details about what happened: what is a profile anyway? A profile is best thought of as a little environment within which we can do computing, and specifically parallel computing (hence the --parallel option) using ipcluster. The profile contains all the information the ipcluster needs to start-up a cluster, and this includes all the information we need for a distributed cluster.

The profile actually lives in a directory which we can find using:

ipython locate profile cluster

(once again assuming we called our profile “cluster”) which prints out the directory on the file system that holds the profile’s files. Let’s assume for the rest of this tutorial that this results in a path “/home/yourself/.ipython/profile_cluster”, which would be fairly typical on Linux.

There are several files in this directory structure. Two are particularly important to us:

  •, the configuration for the cluster controller
  • security/ipcontroller-client.json, the controller access token file

We’ll refer to each of these files later.


Let’s suppose we have 5 machines called cl-0 up to cl- 4. Let’s further suppose we’re logged-on to cl-0. And let’s also suppose that each machine in the cluster has 8 cores. And finally, let’s suppose that we’re logging-in to each machine using ssh.


Distributed computing is a topic that can get very complicated very quickly. What follows is the explanation for a common, but rather basic, setup: there are many, many others. Your mileage may vary.

What we’ll do is start a cluster with the cluster controller on cl-0 and engines on the other 9 machines. Since the machines are all the same, and since they all have 8 cores, we’re expecting to start \(8 * 4 = 32\) engines.


Why not 40 engines? Well we could, by starting 8 engines on cl-0 as well. It’s often a reasonable idea to leave the machine with the controller less loaded, though, because it has other things to do. However, if you need peak performance, starting engines on the controller machine is fine too.

We’re going to need to tell ipcluster the machines we want to run on and how many engines to run on each. This information is defined in the profile that we created earlier.

Editing the profile

We need to edit the profile to record the names of all the machines. We need to add some information to the file in the profile:

  • Configure it for proper parallel use
  • Set up the launcher for engines
  • List the engines

If you open the file in an editor you’ll see a long, long, list of Python assignments. The file is simply Python code that sets upo the profile as required. We’re going to edit it so that, when we execute ipcluster in this profile, it creates the processes we need.

Move to the end of the file in the editor and append the following:

 # ssh-based cluster
 c.IPClusterEngines.engine_launcher_class = 'SSHEngineSetLauncher'
 c.SSHLauncher.to_send = []
 c.SSHLauncher.to_fetch = []

 # connection management
 c.IPControllerApp.reuse_files = True

 # persistent store for jobs
 c.HubFactory.db_class = 'SQLiteDB'

Line 2 tell ipcluster to start its engines using ssh – in other words, by logging-in to the machines using ssh and running engine processes. Lines 3–4 say that we have a shared file system and so no need to start copying control files around. Line 7 says to re-use connection information between runs of the cluster, which cuts down on complexity. Line 10 tells the controller to use a persistent database for the jobs it runs, which is important for supporting ClusterLab’s asynchronous operation.

We now need to provide the list of machines we’re going to run engines on. These take the form of a Python dict mapping each machine name (as used by ssh for login) to another dict specifying the number of engines and the command used to start each one. For our cluster we have four machines that will run 8 engines each, so we add the following:

c.SSHEngineSetLauncher.engines = {
    'cl-1' : { 'n': 8, 'engine_cmd': [ 'python3', '-m', 'ipyparallel.engine' ] },
    'cl-2' : { 'n': 8, 'engine_cmd': [ 'python3', '-m', 'ipyparallel.engine' ] },
    'cl-3' : { 'n': 8, 'engine_cmd': [ 'python3', '-m', 'ipyparallel.engine' ] },
    'cl-4' : { 'n': 8, 'engine_cmd': [ 'python3', '-m', 'ipyparallel.engine' ] } }

Actually the file is just Python so we could get more funky and, observing that the names of the cluster machines are very structured, write a loop that populates c.SSHEngineSetLauncher.engines instead of all that repetition, and as a bonus put a couple of engines on the cluster head too:

mcs = dict()
mcs['cl-0'] = { 'n': 2, 'engine_cmd': [ 'python3', '-m', 'ipyparallel.engine' ] }
for i in range(1, 4):
    mcs['cl-{i}'.format(i=i)] = { 'n': 8, 'engine_cmd': [ 'python3', '-m', 'ipyparallel.engine' ] }
c.SSHEngineSetLauncher.engines = mcs

We now have a profile set up to run our cluster, and we can just run it as normal:

ipcluster start --profile=cluster

The cluster should fire-up 8 engines on each of the 4 worker machines, plus 2 more engines and a controller on cl-0 where we run the command.

Accessing the cluster locally

If you’re running your experiments directly on cl-0, you’ll now be able to create a ClusterLab that accesses the cluster immediately:

lab = epyc.ClusterLab(profile='cluster')


You now have a 34-node cluster ready for use.

Accessing the cluster from another machine

What if you’re not running your experiments on cl-0? – whether because you have a workstation elsewhere, or bacause you have a laptop? Both these are common use cases, and both are easy to handle.

Firstly, you may be lucky: the shared file system we’ve assumed for all the cluster machines may be shared by your workstation too. (This used to be a very common scenario, now sadly a lot less so.) In this case, you can work with the cluster just as though it were local.

If this isn’t the case, one more step is needed. The cluster controller generates an access token, a JSON file that contains all the information necessary to connect to it. We need to copy this to our client machine and use it to establish the connection to our cluster.

Our cluster on the cluster head cl-0 is called cluster. The access token is stored in a file called ipcontroller-client.json in the profile directory of this machine, and we need to copy it to our local machine:

scp cl-0:/home/yourself/.ipython/profile_cluster/security/ipcontroller-client.json .


It’s possible that your IPython profiles will live somewhere else. You can find the profile directory by running:

ipython locate profile cluster

on the machine running the controller (cl-0 in our case).

Now if we start a ClusterLab pointing at this access file we should establish the connection we need:

lab = epyc.ClusterLab(url_file='ipcontroller-client.json')


What can possibly go wrong?

An enormous amount! – and unfortunately far too much to discuss in this tutorial, since most of what can go wrong will go wrong in ipyparallel, not in epyc (I hope…). A lot of debugging can be done by referring to the documentation, but that does unfortunately require a lot of patience and quite a lot of knowledge of Unix system adminstration and hdistributed computing. If you have a local expert, asking/bribing them to help is almost certainly the best way to proceed. The results are worth it, though, as Python parallelism this way gives you access to far more computing power than can possibly be available on a single machine. Good luck!