A lab for the experiment

To perform our experiment properly, we need to run the experiment at a lot of points, to give use a “point cloud” dataset that we can then plot to see the shape of the function. epyc lets us define the space of parameters over which we want to run the experiment, and then will automatically run and collect results.

The object that controls this process is a Lab, which we’ll create first:

lab = Lab()

This is the most basic use of labs, which will store the results in an in-memory LabNotebook. For more serious use, if we wanted to save the results for later, then we can create an persistent JSONLabNotebook that stores results in a file in a JSON encoding:

lab = Lab(notebook = JSONLabNotebook("sin.json",
                                     create = True,
                                     description = "A point cloud of $sin \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$"))

This creates a JSON file with the name given in the first argument. The create argument, if set to True, will overwrite the contents of the file; it defaults to False, which will load the contents of the file instead, allowing the notebook to be extended with further results. The description is just free text.


epyc lab notebooks are always immutable: you can delete them, but you can’t change their contents (at least not from within epyc). This is intended to avoid the loss of data.